A Benham Brothers Christmas: Traditions, Values and Competition
The Benham Brothers are twins, former professional baseball players, real estate entrepreneurs, Christians and authors. With Christians worldwide preparing to celebrate the birth of Our Lord, Jason and David Benham told The Stream about some of their Christmas traditions.
The Stream: Christmas is coming up in less than two weeks. What are your families’ favorite traditions?
Benham Brothers: Each year, we select different families to bless with Christmas boxes. We let the kids do all the investigative research on what the family needs, wants etc., and we shop for them all in one night. We then go home, wrap and load all the boxes and deliver them by knocking on the door and running away. The kids love it, and it blesses families in need.
TS: You’re competitive twins — are there any favorite Christmas competitions (ugliest sweater, best snowman) you want to tell The Stream’s readers?
BB: All our competitions center around athletics, so each Christmas Eve day we hit a pretty grueling workout where Jason typically has the upper hand. David disagrees.
TS: What should American Christians pray and reflect on in general for Christmas this year, and perhaps specifically with regards to the challenges in the current world?
BB: We believe 2017 will be a year of push back, a kind of reset. It seems God is shifting faithful believers into positions of influence throughout the world to push back darkness and shine His light. The wheat is being separated from the chaff, and biblically faithful believers are beginning to have a cultural voice once again. This is the only hope for America — because the knowledge of the truth is what sets people free. This is our prayer.
TS: What are some same and different traditions you had as children compared to raising your own families?
BB: We actually do a lot of the same things with our own families that we did growing up. Our parents did a good job of allowing us to enjoy the season without worshiping it, so we want to teach our kids the same. Mom used to put out a decoration of Santa kneeling at baby Jesus’ manger — and it’s always stuck in our minds. We can enjoy the traditions of the Holiday, but never lose sight that it’s all pointing to Christ.
Editor’s note: The interview is slightly edited for clarity.