7 Admissions of Guilt by Planned Parenthood in 4th Undercover Video
In the fourth undercover video by the Center for Medical Progress exposing Planned Parenthood’s baby body bazaar, there are at least seven statements of guilt by one of their Colorado abortionists, Dr. Savita Ginde. That’s right, not just a couple of statements alluding to illegal activity, but seven, often hiding in cluttered and broken syntax. The first statement is so horrific you can’t believe you just heard it.
Here they are:
1) While discussing the procuring of fetuses, Dr. Ginde says, “Sometimes, if we get, if someone delivers before we are able to see them for a procedure then we are intact.” Then she says they don’t try for that, implying that the procedure is bad. It is clear she is referring to infants born alive, and after the baby is born alive, Planned Parenthood apparently still kills it, which at that point would be murder under the law.
2) Contrary to Planned Parenthood’s defense that it is merely selling fetal body parts at cost — not for profit, which is illegal — Dr. Ginde admits she likes a pricing scheme that breaks it down per specimen because she can make more money. “I think the per item thing works,” she observes, “since you can see how much you can get out of it.”
3) Dr. Ginde seems to admit Planned Parenthood is breaking the law, by warning the potential buyers they’re likely to get caught in a state less tolerant of the illegal activity: “Because if you have someone in a really anti state that’s going to be doing this for you, they’re probably going to get caught.”
4) Dr. Ginde discusses the need for the various Planned Parenthood locations to keep their lies straight, which is also collusion: “So if anyone who gets called out or runs with it, that we’re all like, ‘Oh, I didn’t know you were doing this, oh, I’m doing this too.’ We have to be coordinated with each other.” Buyer: “To keep the stories straight.” Dr. Ginde: “Yeah.” She elaborates: “Well and to make sure that we’re all saying the same thing. And that the CEOs are all saying the same thing.”
5) At one point Dr. Ginde drops into pretending that Planned Parenthood’s selling of fetal body parts is research, but admits that other affiliates may be be selling them as purely a business venture, asking: “Are the other Planned Parenthoods doing this through research, or are they doing it as a stand-alone contract? Because, even though we’re doing it through research, if it comes up as someone else is just doing it as a business sort of venture, it puts a different spin on it.”
6) Dr. Ginde further admits that calling it research is not accurate, that such language is used for the sake of appearances. The buyer says that the National Institutes of Health doesn’t like calling it research since it’s just procurement, and Dr. Ginde responds, “Well, I know, but putting it under the research gives us a little bit of a, a little sort of an overhang over the whole thing.” Buyer: “It makes it look better.” Dr. Ginde: “Yeah. And in public I think it makes a lot more sense for it to be in the research vein than, I’d say, business venture.”
7) Dr. Ginde suggests calling Planned Parenthood’s Senior Director of Medical Services Deb Nucatola — featured in the first undercover video — in order to get the spin from all the different locations straight: “So if we all decide that we are going to do it outside of research, then we do it outside of research. But if we all decided to do it under research, that we have a different path, that we know we’re all registering and doing the same thing again.”
8) Dr. Ginde implies that Planned Parenthood’s attorney has carefully covered up any wrongdoing. Buyer: “How confident are you with your attorney’s work that you’ve seen?” Dr. Ginde: “Very.” Buyer: “They’re building many layers, so that they are making it difficult?” Dr. Ginde: “He’s got it figured out that that he knows that even if — because we talked to him in the beginning, you know, we were like, ‘We don’t want to get called on, you know, selling fetal parts across states.'” And then this: “I’m confident that our legal will make sure that we are not put in that situation.”
This fourth video alone provides more than enough evidence that Planned Parenthood is selling fetal body parts not merely to cover costs but for profit, a violation of 42 U.S. Code 289g. It also reveals that when Planned Parenthood calls their organ harvesting work “research,” this is at least sometimes mere pretense.
Its defenders and friends in the media dutifully repeat those words whenever anyone objects to funding Planned Parenthood. This video will make this ruse much harder to pull off.
In the video the abortionists also slip up and exclaim “It’s a baby” and “another boy!” This, too, needs to be denied by the purveyors of “freedom” and “choice.” In the fetal body shops of America, persons are free, and persons make choices. Unpersons are, well, unmade.