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Support The Stream6 Past Planned Parenthood Scandals
An undercover video was released Tuesday of a top official at Planned Parenthood discussing the sale of organs harvested from aborted babies.
But it is not the first time the organization has been involved in a scandal.
Planned Parenthood released its 2014 fiscal report, claiming that they’ve “come a long way” as “our movement has come so far in nearly one hundred years — and we are building momentum.”
This momentum Planned Parenthood extols includes $528.4 million solely from government grants. The organization provided 327,653 abortions nationwide, with only 1,880 adoption referrals given out.
Here are six instances of Planned Parenthood’s corruption and abuse:
- Dr. Deborah Nucatola, Planned Parenthood’s senior director for Medical Services, was caught on tape detailing how organs from fetuses that have been aborted are sold for profit. “It makes a huge difference. I’d say a lot of people want liver. And for that reason, most providers will do this case under ultrasound guidance, so they’ll know where they’re putting their forceps,” Nucatola said in the undercover video. The Center for Medical Progress, a nonprofit organization devoted to medical ethics, released this controversial video on July 14.
- Multiple Planned Parenthood counselors advised underage teenage girls as young as 15 years old to engage in risky sexual practices, like asphyxiation and beating each other, as long as it was deemed consensual. These counselors also told the young girls to learn from watching Internet pornography and experiment by visiting sex shops, all without parental guidance.
- Denver’s Planned Parenthood of the Rockies was sued in 2014 for failing to report an abusive relationship in which a 13-year-old girl was being sexually abused by her stepfather, who forced her to get an abortion when she became pregnant. The complaint reveals that there were multiple warning signs, such as the girl being less than the legal age of consent in Colorado, the two going by different last names and the stepfather pressuring the daughter to go on birth control. While there were allegedly multiple instances the counselors could have asked the girl about their relationship, they stayed silent and gave her an abortion and birth control, allowing her to go home with her stepfather and continue to be sexually abused.
- Alisa LaPolt Snow, a lobbyist for Planned Parenthood, defended infanticide in 2013 as she stated that it was the choice of the “woman, family and physician” whether the infant who survived an abortion should be allowed to live. She shared this testimony in a hearing regarding a Florida bill named Infants Born Alive.
- A Planned Parenthood employee in Austin, Texas, advocated for sex selective abortion, as her client described wanting only a boy. The employee told her client to wait a few weeks to determine the gender before deciding to abort the child. “I see that you’re saying that you want to terminate if it’s a girl, so are you just wanting to continue the pregnancy in the meantime?” the Planned Parenthood counselor asked. After the video surfaced, Planned Parenthood fired the counselor.
- Planned Parenthood fired a manager in 2011 after her involvement in instructing a pimp and prostitute how to get around the system. As part of a sting set up by the pro-life group Live Action, a man and woman posed as sex traffickers seeking advice from Planned Parenthood workers in a New Jersey clinic. According to ABC News, the couple was overt about their work in the sex industry that involved undocumented immigrant girls. A Planned Parenthood worker encouraged them to lie about the age of the minors so that the organization would not have to legally report them to the authorities.
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