Wikileaks Latest Podesta Email Dumps: 13 More Instances of Sleaze
The hacked emails continue to reveal more unethical and astounding behavior by Hillary Clinton and her campaign.
Every few days, Wikileaks releases another few thousand hacked emails from Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager John Podesta. The last dump brings the total to 18,953 out of a total 50,000 expected. Both Clinton and Podesta have done little to distance themselves from the emails or claim they are forged. Here are some of the most shocking emails to emerge in the latest batches.
Clinton Wants to See Republicans “Unravel” Obamacare
Clinton apparently has no intention of saving Obamacare, which is Obama’s chief legacy. In an email to senior policy advisor Ann O’Leary, Clinton says the Republicans must repeal Obamacare, in order to allow her to then implement her own full single-payer system. She writes, “Given the politics now w bipartisan support including Schumer, I’ll support repeal w ‘sense of the Senate’ that revenues would have to be found. I’d be open to a range of options to do that. But we have to be careful that the R version passes which begins the unraveling of the ACA.”
Chief Political Correspondent for Politico Admits he’s a “Hack” for the Campaign and Provides his Articles in Advance to Podesta
Glenn Thrush, Chief Political Correspondent for Politico, works with Podesta to ensure his news stories turn out acceptable to the Clinton campaign. Thrush begins an email asking Podesta, ” Can I send u a couple of grafs, OTR, to make sure I’m not f****** anything up?” [profanity deleted] After Podesta agrees, Thrush writes back, “Because I have become a hack I will send u the whole section that pertains to u Please don’t share or tell anyone I did this Tell me if I f***** up anything.” [profanity deleted]
CEO of Google’s Parent Company Working Directly With Clinton Campaign
Eric Schmidt, the chief executive of Alphabet, Google’s parent company, was working with the Clinton campaign as early as 2014. A status memo from Clinton campaign digital strategist Teddy Goff to Clinton says, “I have been kept apprised of the work being done by Eric Schmidt’s group and others working directly and indirectly with your team. On the whole, I am comfortable with where we stand and confident in our roadmap to launch day and beyond.” He then lists the projects he has Schmidt’s team working on, which include the back end of Clinton’s website.
“Discreet Efforts” to Partner With Google, Facebook and Apple
Goff’s memo also included the following update on his progress setting up beneficial partnerships between the Clinton campaign and the most powerful technology companies:
Partnerships: Working relationships with Google, Facebook, Apple, and other technology companies were important to us in 2012 and should be even more important to you in 2016, given their still-ascendent positions in the culture. These partnerships can bring a range of benefits to a campaign, from access to talent and prospective donors to early knowledge of beta products and invitations to participate in pilot programs. We have begun having discreet conversations with some of these companies to get a sense of their priorities for the coming cycle, but would encourage you, as soon as your technology leadership is in place, to initiate more formal discussions.
Google was accused earlier this year of manipulating search results to favor Clinton over Trump.
Podesta Referred to Bernie Sanders as a “Doofus”
In an email response to Neera Tandem of the Center for American Progress, Podesta wrote, “Can you believe that doofus Bernie attacked it?” Podesta was referring to the Paris Agreement, where multiple nations in December 2015 agreed to the first-ever universal, legally binding global climate deal. Sanders complained at the time that it didn’t go far enough.
Close Relationship Between Clintons and Billionaire Ukrainian Contributor to the Clinton Foundation
Amitabh Desai, foreign policy director for the Cilnton Foundation, sent top Clinton campaign staffers a request from Ukrainian billionaire Victor Pinchuk, who insisted on meeting with Bill Clinton. “Victor Pinchuk is relentlessly following up (including this morning) about a meeting with WJC in London or anywhere in Europe. Ideally he wants to bring together a few western leaders to show support for Ukraine, with WJC probably their most important participant. If that’s not palatable for us, then he’d like a bilat with WJC.”
Clinton Top Supporter: “She [Clinton] May be so Tainted she’s Really Vulnerable”
In a discussion with Podesta and other top Clinton staffers, Neera Tanden of the Center for American Progress questions whether it’s a good idea to have Clinton speak out against public corruption, since, “She may be so tainted she’s really vulnerable.” Jake Sullivan, Clinton’s foreign policy advisor, agrees, “We will mull. I can see this either way.”
Clinton Supports Natural Gas, Fracking, Nuclear Power; “Wildest” Environmentalists Need to “Get a Life,” Don’t Need Them
A transcript from a speech Clinton made to the North America’s Building Trades Unions reveals she is at odds with environmentalists.
Contrary to her public statements on fossil fuels, she told the organization, “[M]y view is I want to defend natural gas. I want to defend repairing and building the pipelines we need to fuel our economy. I want to defend fracking under the right circumstances.”
She had derogatory words for environmental activists, “And you know, I’m already at odds with the most organized and wildest. They come to my rallies and they yell at me and, you know, all the rest of it. They say, ‘Will you promise never to take any fossil fuels out of the earth ever again?’ No. I won’t promise that. Get a life, you know.” She went on and said she didn’t need their votes. “And of course they go support somebody else. That’s fine and I don’t particularly care.”
Clinton had good things to say about nuclear power, “And we need to do — you know, nuclear, talk about climate change — nuclear is no greenhouse gas emissions. France has it for nearly 100% of their energy — they’ve never had a problem.”
“Produce an Unaware and Compliant Citizenry”
Bill Ivey of Global Corporate Strategies sent Podesta an email reiterating that the Democratic strategy has been to “drop civics and in general conspire to produce an unaware and compliant citizenry.” He laments that lately, the citizens haven’t been as compliant. “The unawareness remains strong but compliance is obviously fading rapidly. This problem demands some serious, serious thinking— and not just poll driven, demographically-inspired messaging.”
Strategizing on How to Bring in Billionaires
In July 2015, Clinton’s staffers excitedly discussed the possibility of having Clinton talk to billionaire Fred Wilson, a partner at the venture capital firm Union Square Ventures. Wilson had written a favorable blog post about Clinton, and her digital strategist Teddy Goff explained his importance, “This is pretty remarkable — for those who don’t know him, Fred is the godfather of the NYC tech scene.” Alec Ross, who served as Senior Advisor for Innovation under Clinton when she was secretary of state, helpfully provided some tips for Clinton on how to deal with a billionaire:
If she calls I’d emphasize the following: 1. She’s trying to listen to and learn from people who don’t normally engage in DC policymaking. She can learn a lot from the people he is bringing into these discussions, so thank you. 2. She is sick of the chronic short-termism that chararacterizes too much of business and government. If elected, she’s working for America’s long-term interests. (This is big with him) 3. She greatly appreciates whatever he can do to get her elected. Fred has been allergic to partisan politics but if she draws him out it produces a 7 figure return. Fred’s a billionaire who plays big in business but has never played big in national politics. This is his chance to get behind something where he is listened to, taken seriously and the outcomes matter.
Juanita Broadrick’s Rape Accusations Against Bill Clinton are a “Slimefest”
Earlier this year, Washington, D.C., attorney David Kendall sent Podesta an email containing information about Juanita Broaddrick, who has accused Bill Clinton of raping her. He closes with, “Please let me know if there’s anything else I can provide about this slimefest.”
Acknowledging “The Campaign Doesn’t Value Black Folks and Takes Us For Granted”
Podesta admits in an email exchange from February that the campaign isn’t treating blacks well. Frank White, Jr., who raised over $2.3 million for Obama during his 2012 reelection campaign, emailed Podesta his concern, “The black is obvious super critical. Im hearing the same complaint in political circles that i continue to hear while fundraising. ‘The campaign doesnt value black folks and takes us for granted.'” Podesta responded back, “I have been working on that and will resolve soon. We need to strengthen the overall structure and this is the most critical piece of that. Right now I think we should do this right after Super Tuesday.”
Chelsea Clinton Sticks a Knife in Your Back
Doug Band, a former aide to the Clintons whose leaked emails have already revealed his complaints about Chelsea Clinton, forwarded a short, pleasant email from Chelsea Clinton to Podesta and negatively compared her to one or both of her parents. He wrote, “She sends me one of these types of emails every few days/week As they say, the apple doesn’t fall far A kiss on the cheek while she is sticking a knife in the back, and front.”
Click here to read the first article in this series, 18 Reasons (So Far) Leaked Podesta Emails Reveal Dishonest Side of Clinton, Her Campaign and Media Collusion. Follow Rachel on Twitter at Rach_IC.