13 Pictures From Around the U.S. to Let You Know it’s Spring
By Al Perrotta
Published on April 18, 2015
Ah, April. Finally, April. Winter’s blanket of snow has been replaced by a carpet of color. Blooms and blossoms seem to outnumber blades of grass. Drive in any direction this weekend and you’ll understandΒ why someone had to title a song “America, the Beautiful.”
I would know because last weekend, my wife and I had to drive halfway across the land from Dallas to New Jersey. When the sun rose over the Smoky Mountains we had no idea it was a curtain rising on Spring’s big show. Purple paulownia trees were our escort across I40 and up I81 in Virginia. Countless conversations were interrupted by a caught breath as we passed wildflowers and well-plotted beds in bloom. In Annapolis, small white and yellow tulips in a cul-da-sac brought a dead end to life. New Jersey? The acceptedΒ wisdom that the state is ugly is actually propaganda spread by Jersey nativesΒ in an effort to keep the rest of us out. As surely as Chris Christie likes pizza, Jersey is, indeed, “The Garden State.”
But the flowers we spotted along the way remind me of something deeper than nature’s beauty. The beauty of “nature’s God.” We were not on a joy ride. Heavy hearts and sad fortune awaited us on the other end. But Jesus spoke of such anxious times as these. “Consider the lilies of the field; how they grow; they neither toil nor spin, yet I tell you even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.” (Matthew 6:29 RSV) How much more beautifully will He clothe us and tend us, He went on to say, if we put aside our anxiety and trust Him and His righteousness?
A thought to keep nearΒ as we breathe inΒ this amazingΒ bouquet of images from America’s Spring 2015, gathered by our own Blair Hitch.
Photo of Interstate 110 also known as the Harbor Freeway in downtown Los Angeles, California, USA with blooming bougainvillea flowers in the foreground. April 9th, 2015. (iStockphoto.com)
Washington Farmer Trimming Raspberry Crop at the start of the spring season, April 4th, 2015. (iStockphoto.com)
Children participate in The National Cherry Blossom Festival Parade on Constitution Avenue at 10th Street, NW, Washington DC on Saturday morning, April 11th, 2015 (Elvert Barnes/Flickr.com)
Spring colors are beautifully bursting at The Hakone Gardens in Saratoga, California, March 28th, 2015. (Peter Thoeny/Flickr.com)
People partake in a traditional Asian Holi celebration in Salem, Utah on March 29th, 2015. (Jonathan Hull/Flickr.com)
A strong thunderstorm shakes things up in an Ohio town on April 8th, 2015. (Flickr.com)
A nice grass field, a golf course, in the Village of Oak Tree, near Sedona, with red rocks near Sedona in the background under a clear blue sky illuminated by the early morning sun, April 6th, 2015. (iStockphoto.com)
South Carolina grows more peaches than Georgia, the “Peach State.” Spartanburg County is one place where a lot of peaches grow. These are some of the many trees, pruned and ready for being fertilized, and starting to develop fruit. (Martin LaBar/Flickr.com)
Wild flowers blooming in the Sonoran Desert, California, at sunset, March 27th, 2015. (iStockphoto.com)
Rows of tulips blooming in Skagit Valley, Washington on March 28th, 2015. (Mark McLaughlin/Flickr.com)
Mother Orangutan and her baby at the San Diego Zoo in Balboa Park, San Diego, California, Feburary 8th, 2015. (Nathan Rupert/Flickr.com)
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